Thursday, 27 December 2012

It's Official ~ I'm Retired

It's official I'm retired now.

 I'm a lady of leisure, a lady that lunches or a couch potato whatever you want to call it.

What an emotional week it was.

The General Manager of the site I was working at, called me into his office and we had a lovely chat about how well he thought I did my job. He was genuinely sorry to see me go and a few tears were shed, he gave me a lovely card that had been signed by everybody on site and contained some lovely messages.

One of the Shift Supervisors made a special effort to come and see me on his day off, he was laden with a massive box of chocolates and the biggest fruit basket I have ever seen. It was so heavy I had to get someone to carry it to the car for me.

Over the last week, I had visits from several people that I have worked with over the years when I was on shift, some of whom I was totally surprised to see.

 As I took a last drive round site, and it seemed so strange to think that was the last time I would ever take that route. As I drove out the gate with tears in my eyes, I was amused to see that my co-worker was standing to attention in the doorway to the Wendy House saluting me whilst holding the search mirror as if it was a rifle.

The next day I took my uniform back, I went round and said some final goodbyes to the shift that was on, and got a beautiful card from one of the ladies I have worked with on and off over the years.

So that's it, for 13 years my job has kept me on the straight and narrow, I have always done my job to the best of my ability and I loved it.

Over the years I have worked there, I've been able to take some fantastic pictures of sunrises, sunsets and local wildlife, so it was a wonderful surprise to see this Stag/Doe on my very last morning. He/she was a fair distance away and I only had a split second to grab the shot, but I'm sure he/she came to say goodbye as it was standing looking directly at me.

 I've worked with some wonderful people and made some good friends who I am going to really miss. I've also worked with some people I'm glad I will never have to see or speak to again.

The only person(s) who didn't bother to acknowledge my leaving was my employer, but why should they? They had no idea who I was or what I did!

So what am I going to do?

The first thing is get my house in order, it's a tip! The last few years housework has taken second place because of my pain and exhaustion.

Then in January I'm going to start looking for a premises in earnest, it's time to put my plans and ideas into action and open my shop.

This is a scary time for me, will my plans come off? 
I really have no idea, but if I don't try then I will always regret it.

I will now have the time to move forward with everything I have been wanting to do

I'm so excited with what my future holds.


  1. I'm sure I've already commented on this? That fruit basket looks fab.
    How is the house sorting out coming along :-)

    1. We are getting there thanks Lesley, you did comment on the other post in Crafty Cuppa with the same title but with a lot less written xxx


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