Monday, 4 March 2013

Day Two ~ Technology ~ #BlogFlash2013

  The screen went blank, the report had been lost, tears of frustration and fear welled up.
It had taken all morning to type, and her Tyrant Boss was due any minute.
 She was out of her depth and didn't know how to fix it, she'd lied about her computer skills to get the job.
  Hearing his footsteps in the corridor her heart sank. 
The door smashed open, he shouted "The Server has crashed, my mornings work lost!" 
He then stomped back to his office, she breathed a sigh of relief, another day without being found out...
#BlogFlash2013: 21 Days, 21 Prompts, 21 Posts

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  1. Even if you are skilled with computers, computer crashes happen at the worst time and can ruin you life. Cut story!

  2. Very good and am sure it happens often - the server crashing and the 'not sure what I am doing really' situation. Well done Dawn, looking forward to the next one.

    1. Thank you Jill, just posted day three **gulp**

  3. This is a nice story. Yes, it happens, unfortunately often. Backups, backups, we all forget to take backups. :)

    1. Thank you, yes never forget the back ups lol

  4. Anyone we know, Dawn? You've got the hang of this blogflash thing x.

    1. Thanks Lesley, it's purely fiction, but could so easily be me!!

  5. Yep, I am totally there with this one. I've lost work, a blank screen, not good when you don';t know how to get it back or even worse how it was lost in the first place so it could happen again.
    I'm glad she survived another day . . hopefully learning on the job! A great post.

    1. Thank you Lizzie.

      Although this is fiction, it could be me, if its not the blog or facebook I have no idea how to do stuff on the computer....

  6. Eek, what an awful feeling, of being on the verge of exposure. I hope one day she finds that she is just as qualified as Tyrant Bossman and neither are very good. ;) LOL

    1. Thank you Kimberly.

      Your comment did make me giggle..

  7. Great story! The crash is possibly the ultimate technology frustration. Even so, I STILL don't save as often as I should!

    1. Thank you Terri.

      Luckily Himself set my PC to save regularly for me as I always forget when I get engrossed in what I'm doing..

  8. Oh, this happens in the classroom too! A boy closed a program without saving his classmate's work--two hours of typing. She was distraught. A hard way to learn to save often! Very relatable post!

    Linda Ulleseit

    1. Thank you Linda,

      Oh Dear how awful for her, it's one thing to lose it yourself, but for someone else to lose it for you must be awful.

      Luckily my story was only fiction...


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