Sunday, 4 May 2014

Sunday Photo ~ Strawberries

It's always great to see the first strawberry flower appear in my garden, it's living proof that the warmer weather is definitely and finally on it way at last.

Yesterday I thinned out the Strawberry plants at home to replant at the allotment. Now we have the space, the plan is to grow enough to start making my own organic jam again. How I've missed the taste of home made jam since we moved to this tiny house with its miniature garden.

The the beds are now ready to plant, soon we'll be reaping  the rewards of all the hard work we've put in.


  1. How exciting! I love all the growth and prospect of goodies to come at this time of year.

    (Popping in from the #mysundayphoto Linky)

  2. Its is nice to have something that is from your own garden. My dream is to have a small patch of land and I can plant stuff! Still a dream =) #mysundayphoto

    1. Try your local allotment association, sometimes the waiting lists aren't that long x

  3. We love growing strawberries in our garden

    Thank you for linking up

  4. Yum home made jam. We have a huge wild plum tree can't wait till I can pick some. x

    1. A plum tree is the next on our list for the allotment, can't wait x

  5. My husband has taken over the veg growing this year and he's proving to be better at it than me!

    1. Isn't that annoying when that happens, but never admit it to his face though lol x

  6. I love the miracle of spring in the garden :-)


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