Monday, 28 January 2013

Where Has The Time Gone?

It seems like an age since I last updated here, although I have managed to keep up with my photography posts and Badger Boo's posts The time is flying by and Retirement is good, I'm getting loads done, I've even caught up with the dreaded pile of ironing that has been bugging me for the last 18 months.

 I've come to realise that it was my job that was causing me the most of the problems in my life. So in fact they have done me a huge favour. I really miss the people and interaction, but the freedom I have now is amazing!

My house is now reasonably tidy, I've done a huge amount of de-cluttering and cleaning. I walk Badger Boo every most days now, and we have been having some great fun in the snow. Boy was I glad that I didn't have to drive to work in that this year.

I have completed several knitting projects and have started some new ones. The best one is:-  Himself's daughter  asked me to knit a little cardigan for her daughter, which is turning out to be quite a challenge as it's so small, I'm used to knitting stuff for myself the size of a 12x12 tent! The stitch is so pretty, personally I think it would look nicer in a cream or white, but she asked for pink so pink it is.

I now volunteer twice a week at The British Heart Foundation Charity shop which is great fun but jolly hard work, I have been sorting out the donations and it is pretty manual work, so by the time I leave I'm shattered but in a good way.

I've started a lunchtime knitting/social group in my local area, meeting weekly on a Wednesday from 1130 until 1430 details can be found here, and there is also a facebook group for it too. The numbers are small at the moment, but hopefully as time passes and word gets around we will grow.

So now, instead of there just being chinks of light in my life, it feels like somebody has ripped open the curtains, and the light is flooding in. I'm still in a lot of pain, but at least now I can take it easy when I need too, and get up and go when I want too. 

Life is good now, the diet has slipped a bit lately and I daren't stand on the scales, but who cares? I don't at the moment, maybe next week I'll knuckle down to it again, watch this space...

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  1. Good for you! Sounds like you've got a nice, relaxing life that works for you.

    1. Thanks Sarah, I really didn't want to retire and fought the whole process but now I'm so happy with how things are working out, and I feel so much better in myself these days xxx

  2. Oh I am so pleased to hear how much you're enjoying your new life. it sounds very busy, but in a good way. let's hope you can get your pain more manageable x x

    1. Thank you, yes I'm very busy but being able to do things at my own pace instead of marching to somebody else's tune is helping with pain management, things are really looking up now xxx

  3. It all seems to be working out well, which is great, I like the idea of there being more light in your life. I've also just started a knitting, well wool crafting group, we include crocheting and other things you can do with wool. We had our first meeting last night. It lovely to share ideas with people and socialise whilst being productive and creative. let me know if you are working on any exciting projects.

    1. Thank you, great to hear about your group I wish you success, we have some crocheting ladies too and now looking for a charity to knit for, the third meeting is tomorrow..

  4. What a positive post. May your happy vibes continue x.

    1. Thank you Lesley things are really looking up now xxx


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