Good afternoon and my apologies for this being a day late, we where hit by stormy windy weather again yesterday, as a result we've been without power, internet or phones. If that's not a reason to start scheduling these posts I don't know what is!
Himself has been back to hospital and finally had the stent removed, he now has only one more check up then he's all finished at the hospital, which is fantastic news.
So much has happened this week, all good news I must add, but I'll save that for another post and get this done quickly in case the power goes off again, which it probably will as the wind is picking up again.
So I'll leave you with this amusing picture, one of my old work mates posted it on facebook of the plaster drying on his wall.
Did you see what I saw?
Hope you all have a great weekend, take care wherever you are in the world with this weird weather we've been having, be it snow, cold, wind, rain or heat that you're enduring at the moment.
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