
Sunday 20 July 2014

Crutch Cosies and Wonderful Friends

If you've ever had to use crutches for any period of time, you'll know just how uncomfortable they can be. 
Because I have Carpel Tunnel in both hands I find the ergonomic hand grips more comfortable, but the worst thing about crutches, is the constant rubbing on your forearms.

In the past I've had some really ugly rashes, knowing that I'd be on crutches for some time after my Knee Replacement Surgery, I decided to try and knit myself some Cotton Crutch Cosies as I couldn't find anything in the shops or online to help with this rubbing issue.
The first pair I made worked but were unsuccessful, they stretched and kept moving and I was constantly having to adjust them. 
Using them as a template for the next pair, I used two strands of yarn to make it more chunky and this time I knitted in the round.
The result was these beauties:-

They work a treat and even though we're having a mini heatwave in the UK there's no sign of any rash and the rubbing has stopped altogether.
I took them into hospital with me, I received many compliments from the nurse's, physio's and other patient's about what a great idea they are.
They still need a little tweaking ref sewing the ends up for me to be totally happy with them, and I'm currently working on my third pair in electric blue as its such a beautiful colour.
I'll let you know how I get on very soon.
Last week I promised you a look at the Thank You card I made for my good friend Lesley.
 I really enjoyed making this card. 

I got to know Lesley when I stumbled across her blog Mad Dog Woman of Shackleford and we've become very good friends.
Lesley has been an amazing support through Himself' s illness and my own surgery.

We were invited for Supper at Lesley's house recently along with Jill and her husband from Christmas Pie Crafts who is also another good friend I met through blogging, and we had a fantastic evening and the food was amazing.

When I started my blogging adventure, it never occurred to me that I would be meeting and making such amazing friends.
I've also made many other friends through blogging, some I've yet to meet and others I will sadly never meet in person due to distance, but each and every one of you deserves a massive Thank You for the love and support you've shown us, it means a lot.

At the moment I still can't drive, only another four weeks to go, and have at lot of time on my hands to fill.
Most of the ladies at the Wednesday Knitting Group have knitted a beautiful Mitred Baby Blanket, although I've had the pattern for ages, I've not been brave enough to take it on, as my pick up and knit isn't the best.
Last week I dug out the pattern and some King Cole yarn from my stash and I've made a start on it. 

I love the way the variegated colours are coming out and hope it continues like this until the end, also my pick up and knit has improved greatly. 
When it's finished I'll be donating it to the SCBU at the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

A slightly longer post than usual and I'll be linking it to My Sunday Photo, Handmade Monday and Creative Mondays.

Hope you all have a great week crafting and I'll see you next week.


  1. What a fantastic solution you've come up with there! Great that it's helping you and brilliant that the nurses, physios etc are impressed! So glad to hear Lesley is being such a good friend. X

  2. How resourceful! fantastic solution, and love the photo's, what a great blanket it will make, love the colour :)

  3. What a fab idea for the crutches. I have a hospital apt in September when I have to decide whether to go on the list for TKR or try and wait a bit longer. I don't fancy the weeks on crutches recovering at all but I will have to make some of those if I do go ahead!

  4. Hi Dawn, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! Those crutch cosies look just the ticket and a definite improvement on the standard model! Your little thank you card is just beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing how your blanket turns out :)

  5. What a brilliant idea

    Thank you for linking up

  6. Your 'Thank You' card is on my desk and makes me smile every time I see it. We did have a lovely evening, and I hope we can do it again very soon x.

  7. A relaly lovely card and I know Lesley will have been so pleased with it. Great idea for the crutch cosy - could be something for the NHS to adopt :0). Hope you are not dashing around too much - give your knee time to settle in. Hope you have a good week.

  8. What a great idea, I find the side of my fingers get quite sore if I have to use my stick for long periods of time, I love your solution for the sore arms. The card is cute too.

  9. What a great idea you have here, beautiful card :)

    Hope you are feeling a little better this week, hope you knee is heeling okxx

    Thanks for linking up #CreativeMondays

  10. What a creative week! #MySundayPhoto

  11. I wish you a speedy recovery. The mitered blanket is amazing. It reminds me of entrelac which is so much fun to knit. It's a beautiful blanket. :)


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