
Friday 4 October 2013

Smile it's Friday

To be honest I've not got a lot to smile about today, I'm absolutely shattered. 

I don't sleep well at the best of times and usually average approx 3 to 4 hours a night, but between my usual sleep pattern and being constantly disturbed by Himself in pain, I feel like I've not slept in weeks.

That's enough moaning from me for one day.

From now on "Smile it's Friday" will be hosted here and NOT over at Badger Boo's Daft Adventures  

My reasons for doing this:-

1)  I've been neglecting this blog.
2)  The number of link ups have dropped off over at Badger Boo's.
3)  I would love "Smile it's Friday" to become a roaring success.

All are welcome to join in, there are no rules, it just has to make you and others smile.

Join in the link up with a story or picture that has made you smile, it can be about anything.

I love Fridays because it's so nearly the weekend and that always makes me want to smile now I'm no longer a shift worker, I used to work so many weekends and nights it ruined my social life.
But now my weekends are mine to do with as I please, and that always makes me want to smile.

 Me, Myself and I


  1. Your snowmen bunting made me smile :-)

  2. Badger Boo's antics makes me smile!!!

  3. Aww no hope your feeling better today? sending bigs :)'s your way.

    Thanks for linking up to the weekend blog hop...


Thank you for stopping by, it's always lovely to hear from you xxx

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.